Monday 6 April 2009

Mitie Set To Clean Up At St George's Hospital

"I am delighted to announce that 2008 has been another year of strong growth for MITIE. This year was our 20th year of revenue and profits growth”
That was part of the opening statement of the chief executive of the Mitie Group of companies at last year’s AGM. In fact, even in this time of economic crisis, the Mitie Group managed to increase its profits by 20%.
The Mitie Group have just won the combined cleaning and catering contract for St George’s Hospital. Not only was it approved by the Trust Board at its meeting on 31 March but so too was the term of the contract-7 years. The contract will still be running long after the present board who agreed it have disappeared-as they certainly will if the hospital’s much sought after foundation trust status becomes a reality.
What was also interesting was that the Board met on 31 March. Mitie’s contract began on 1 April. Just supposing it hadn’t been agreed by the Board . What would have happened ? Another case of the Trust Board acting as a rubber stamp !
So, what can we expect from Mitie ? One thing we do know is that they have been in numerous disputes with trade unions over their penchant for paying low wages. The most recent, with the notoriously poorly paid office cleaners in the city.
We certainly don’t want any of that here. Hospitals cleaning can only be done properly by dedicated staff who are properly rewarded for their skills..
Well cleaned hospitals are a vital part of the fight to eliminate hospital acquired infections.
Mitie-take note.

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