Wednesday 1 April 2009

Decon Sciences do well out of St George' s Hospital

Poor old St George's Social Club, once again they missed out on the monthly handouts the Hospital gives to the deserving poor.
This month is was Decon Sciences that were the grateful benefactor's of a gift from the Hospital Trust Board.
Decon Sciences sterilises, or sometimes fails to sterilise, hospital instruments. Despite previous assurances that sterilisation was done in-house, the St George's Trust Board revealed at their meeting on 31 March 2009 that some 'sterilisation management', whatever that is, was still being done by Decon. Apparently the contract has now been terminated, and Decon Sciences has walked away with £390,000 of tax payers money. That was the amount of debt owed to the hospital by the company that was written off.
At the previous Trust Board meeting in January almost £150,000 was written off in unrecoverable debts
So far this year over £540,000 has been written off in debts to company's like Decon -all at the tax payers expense, and with money that could have been better spent on improving the services at our hospital.
At the other end of the scale the disputed debt incurred by St George's own Social Club, a paltry £30,000, still remains outstanding-and incedently, the allegedly much needed Staff Club space, still remains empty.
So while Decon's shareholders get a bonus, St George's staff have to cough up to pay a debt they don't even believe they owe.
If the Trust Board can wipe off a debt of almost £400,000 for a limited company, why can't they do the same, for a much smaller amount for their own employees ?
Maybe if St George's Social Club renamed itself St George's Social Club plc, the debt would be written off overnight.

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