Thursday 26 March 2009

Renal Dialysis– The ‘Spivs’ Move In

St George’s along with Epsom and St Helier Hospital have just agreed a five year contract with Fresenius Medical Services Limited, an international company that has virtually cornered the market in renal dialysis.
The contract worth over £47 million over five years is allegedly going to ‘potentially' save almost
£8million. Believe that and you’ll believe anything ? Private companies, from BT downwards have a notorious record of being unable to deliver when it comes to the NHS.
The short sighted approach by the board appears to be that as there is no capital outlay involved
this must be a good thing.
We will be paying for each therapy and Fresenius, who have obviously done their sums very well
see it as a ‘nice little earner’.
During the last financial quarter Fresenius recorded an increase in profits of 14%. Given the current economic climate that is not bad at all. Surprising then that those from St George’s
negotiating the contract didn’t ask Fresenius to lop at least 10% off their tender price.
I am sure that the good shareholders of the company wouldn’t want to make too much money out of others misfortune
How much more cost effective it would have been if St George’s and other neighbouring hospitals had all got together and purchased their own Renal Dialysis equipment. That way, not only would it be cheaper in the long run, but we wouldn’t be at the mercy of an international company that was described by the board as having a ‘quasi monopoly position’ on renal dialysis.
Monopolies can dictate prices. What happens when Frensesius decide to put their tariff up !

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